ISSAC 2017

The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) is the premier conference for research in symbolic computation and computer algebra. ISSAC 2017 will be the 42nd meeting in the series, which started in 1966 and has been held annually since 1981. The conference presents a range of invited speakers, tutorials, poster sessions, software demonstrations and vendor exhibits with a center-piece of contributed research papers.


ISSAC 2017 will be held on July 25-28, 2017, at the University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

Latest News

♦ 2017/07/07 The program has been made public.
♦ 2017/07/07 The list of accepted software presentations has been made public.
♦ 2017/06/29 The list of accepted poster presentations has been made public.
♦ 2017/05/11 The list of accepted papers has been made public.
♦ 2017/05/04 The deadline for submitting camera-ready versions of accepted papers has been extended! The new deadline is now 29/05/2017
♦ 2017/04/26 First call for Posters and Software Presentations is sent out.
♦ 2017/04/25 If you need a visa to visit Germany, please have a look at the corresponding section on the Local information page.
♦ 2017/02/06 Titles and abstracts of the tutorials have been announced. See tutorials page.
♦ 2016/01/17 Final call for papers has been sent out.
♦ 2017/01/16 The deadlines for submitting abstracts and regular papers have been extended by one week. The new deadlines for submitting abstracts and regular papers are now 28/1/2017 and 4/2/2017, respectively. The date of notification has also been shifted by one week.
♦ 2017/01/16 The poster presentation committee has been announced.
♦ 2017/01/12 Details on the review process have been announced.
♦ 2017/01/12 The tutorial speakers have been announced. See tutorials page.
♦ 2017/01/04 Titles and abstracts of the invited speakers are published.
♦ 2016/11/30 Second call for papers is sent out.
♦ 2016/10/4 The website with information about the ISSAC'17 conference went online.
♦ 2016/10/4 First call for papers is sent out.

Important dates


Tutorials: Tuesday, July 25th (2017)
Main conference: Wednesday, July 26th - Friday, July 28th (2017)

Regular papers

Abstract submission*: Saturday, January 21st (2017)
Extended: Saturday, January 28th (2017)
Paper submission**: Saturday, January 28th (2017).
Extended: Saturday, February 4th (2017)
("Anytime on Earth")
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Thursday, April 6th (2017)
Extended: Thursday, April 13th (2017)
Camera-ready copy due: Tuesday, May 2nd (2017)
Extended: Monday, May 29st (2017)

Software Presentations

Extended Abstract submission***: Friday, May 19th (2017)
Extended: Friday, May 26th (2017)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Friday, June 9th (2017)
Extended: Friday, June 23rd (2017)
Final version of extended abstract due: Friday, June 30th (2017)
Extended: Friday, July 7th (2017)

Poster Presentations

Extended Abstract submission****: Monday, May 22nd (2017)
Extended: Friday, May 26th (2017)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Monday, June 12th (2017)
Extended: Friday, June 23rd (2017)
Final version of extended abstract due: Friday, June 30th (2017)
Extended: Friday, July 7th (2017)
* Papers and abstracts have to be submitted via easychair ( The website for the abstract submission and the paper submission is the same, i.e. you will not find a distinct area for the abstract submission. You can submit your abstract first, and then override your submission with the full paper. It is to be remarked that you do not need to first submit an abstract prior to the paper if your paper is ready by the abstract submission deadline. The abstract submission possibility serves the purpose to provide authors with more time to complete their papers while the program committee can begin to find suitable reviewers based on the overview they obtain from the abstracts.
** You need to submit an abstract by the abstract submission deadline if your full paper is not completed by the abstract submission deadline.
*** Abstracts have to be submitted via easychair ( For details, please consider the corresponding call for posters and software presentations.
**** Abstracts have to be submitted via easychair ( For details, please consider the corresponding call for posters and software presentations.

Conference topics

All areas of computer algebra and symbolic computation are of interest at ISSAC 2017. These include, but are not limited to:

Algorithmic aspects:

Software aspects:

Application aspects:

Invited speakers

The conference features three invited talks by the following speakers:


The conference features three tutorial sessions (on Tuesday, July 25th (2017)), by the following speakers:

Satellite Workshops/Conferences

The International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO 2017), will be held on July 23rd-24th 2017 (prior to ISSAC'17) at University of Kaiserslautern.

The Second International Workshop on Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation (SC2 2017) will be held on July 29th 2017 in Kaiserslautern.

Previous editions of ISSAC